Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

RPO Services​

RPO refers to a kind of business process outsourcing which sees a company outsource all or part of its recruitment functions to a third-party service provider or partner. RPOs can provide staff, and can also assume the mantle of technological processes and reporting of an organisation. The distinction between staffing agencies, contingent/retained search firms, and RPOs, is that RPOs are responsible for the design and administration of the recruitment process and the results.

Greenbucks Staffing provides end-to-end RPO services to its clients throughout the world. Our end-to-end recruitment solutions cover the hiring cycle in its entirety. From sourcing to onboarding, everything is taken care of so you can focus on aspects of your business which generate you income.

We adapt our recruitment services to your needs and make certain that our work aligns with your company’s culture, values, and management.

Our RPO solutions act as an extension to the HR team, assisting them in resource allocation.

Benefits of RPO Services

Reduce Hiring Cost

Cost-effectiveness is one of the most important benefits of RPO provider. While hiring an RPO provider may appear to be an unnecessary expense, it will save your company money in the long run. Depending on what your hiring requirements are, RPO providers can scale up or down.

More important, they are able to fill up roles quickly by way of having access to a readymade, wide talent pool. Time is money, as the adage goes. The longer a position remains vacant, the more the potential growth and revenue of the company suffers. RPO providers are able to fill up these positions swiftly, saving companies time and money that would’ve been spent on sourcing, recruiting and on-boarding candidates.

Better Quality of Hiring

One of the primary reasons why businesses prefer to use RPO providers is because they’re able to bring in the cream of the crop, so to speak. RPO providers possess great expertise at sourcing, screening, and presenting the best talent available to fill an open position.

They have a finely cultivated talent pool and know how to find candidates with the appropriate experience and attributes for the position.

Reduce Hiring Time

RPO services aid the organisation by shortening the time it takes to find top employees. The longer a post is available, the more money or opportunity costs an organisation loses. RPO providers are excellent in reducing the amount of time spent on hiring due to a combination of sector expertise, technology, and recruitment acumen.

Improves Scalability and Flexibility

This is important because every company is different, and staffing needs can change during the year depending on stated goals and project deadlines. You may effortlessly scale up or down your recruitment plan while using the RPO service.

Allows the organisation to concentrate on their core responsibility

Recruiting is one of the most important human resource functions, and RPO providers can help. They can handle the entire candidate sourcing and recruitment process, allowing the company to concentrate on learning and development and employee growth while still meeting commercial objectives.